Evaluation & Shipping

Evaluation & Shipping

Precious Metals Intake
Secure similar material in zip lock bags tightly wrapped in bubble wrap with packaging tape. Ensure to identify each bag with item description and gram weight. We do not accept plated, rolled, filled or costume jewelry (shipping back at owner's expense).
E-Scrap Trading
We require clean processed (aka: board mining, stripping, depopulating, e-scrap) components, so if you have at least several pounds worth of e-scrap or need advice on requirements, give us a call. Seller must apply information below and tracking info. UMHE is not responsible for delayed or lost packages.
Precious Metal Pricing: Current spot price based on New York and London metal markets upon analysis typically within 1-2 business days upon arrival.
Form of Payment: Certified Bank Check by mail, Business Zelle or Wire Transfer + Fee (please include accurate bank information in your shipment). Immediate payout methods on local transactions only: USD, Goldbacks, Bullion or Paypal + 3.5% processing fee.
Payment Schedule: 1-3 business days after material analysis.
Exchange Policy: Government ID, Tax ID and AML form is required for all commercial transactions. All Settlements are Final and Material Non-Returnable.

    Your Information

       Upload Image of Material*:

    Shipping Details (if shipping)

    We accept USPS/ FedEx/ UPS
    • Items should be bagged and wrapped tightly with similar material
    • You should insure your package
    • Apply signature for high valued packages
    • Make sure to include packaging slip/ detailed note and tracking#
    • Secure your package by using proper packaging tape 
    Ship To Address:

    Urban Mining House Enterprise
    PO Box 294
    New Rochelle, NY 10804

    Legal: UMHE is required to express to sellers that Goldbacks cannot and should not be confused with government issued legal tender. It has not been defined in the state of NY what a Goldback is, nor the use of it. Simply put, Goldbacks are an asset and can be used as a alternative method of intrinsic value legal tender in selected states. Until further notice, our intent is to use GB as a “mechanism” for barter/trade and not used for a financial investment tool. UMHE is not a CPA, attorney, or licensed financial advisor and the information on this website shall not be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice from a qualified perspective. Goldbacks are a “voluntary specie legal tender instrument” approved in six states, thus far and is not intended for any illegal activity. UMHE accepts the Goldback and is not a legal partner or representative of the entity.
    All Settlements are made at the Company’s prevailing rate on the date of settlement as reflected by the daily metal market prices. All transactions are final and are not refundable.
    UMHE is required by policy and by good business practice to identify and know our customers, and to ensure that our transactions with them meet high standards of integrity as a condition to doing business.