Contact Us

Contact Us

For over the counter (OTC) or commercial scrap precious metal liquidation, bullion and Goldback orders, email us here for special trade rates and requirements at:

For scheduling scrap precious metals, gold recovery e-waste, non-ferrous industrial copper and rare earth metals intake service and general information, email us at:

NYS applicable sales tax on bullion applies to invoices totaling $1,000 or less and greater than $1,000 if one of the following is true: The commodity value is 140% greater than the silver value, 120% less than 1/4 ozt for gold, 115% greater than 1/4 ozt for gold, 115% greater for platinum and palladium, and 115% greater for all other forms of precious metals. Sales tax jurisdictions outside of NYS are required to pay your local and state sales tax on precious metals.

Payment methods include cash (USD), business Zelle, certified bank check, wire transfer, or Paypal + 3.5% processing fee.

    Complete the form below to contact us.



    Main Office: 914.980.4322

    Operation Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


    Address: PO Box 294, New Rochelle, New York 10804


    Legal: UMHE is required to express to sellers that Goldbacks cannot and should not be confused with government issued legal tender. It has not been defined in the state of NY what a Goldback is, nor the use of it. Simply put, Goldbacks are an asset and can be used as a alternative method of intrinsic value legal tender in selected states. Until further notice, our intent is to use GB as a “mechanism” for barter/trade and not used for a financial investment tool. UMHE is not a CPA, attorney, or licensed financial advisor and the information on this website shall not be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice from a qualified perspective. Goldbacks are a “voluntary specie legal tender instrument” approved in six states, thus far and is not intended for any illegal activity. UMHE accepts the Goldback and is not a legal partner or representative of the entity.
    All Settlements are made at the Company’s prevailing rate on the date of settlement as reflected by the daily metal market prices. All transactions are final and are not refundable.
    UMHE is required by policy and by good business practice to identify and know our customers, and to ensure that our transactions with them meet high standards of integrity as a condition to doing business.